• Saudi Austrian Business Council Nominees

    Event StartDate :06/09/2012
    Event EndDate : 06/09/2012

         The Council of Saudi Chambers(CSC) is delighted to tell businessmen about the opening of nomination for the membership of Saudi Austrian Business Council. Terms of membership are:
    Commitment to attend meetings held by chambers.-
    Ability to participate in the events of chambers.-
    -Having a commercial, industrial, or investment trade with the corresponding country.
    -Being nominated by the Council of Saudi Chambers through an order byChairman of the Board of Directors of the chambers or by CSC.
    Language proficiency in English or language of corresponding country.-
        Therefore, we would like businessmen wishing to be nominated for the council membership to fill the attached form and send it to Fax (038576660). For queries, please call Public Relation Department –International Relations Division, Mr. Faisal AlMushiri Mobile:0555552119 Telehone: 03 8598151.

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